
Get rid of acne with banana peel.

Before you go to any store to buy some chemical acne
treatments, visit first your kitchen cupboards or grocery store for some nice organic bananas, the best treatment for moderate to severe cases of acne. Here we give you a home made remedy for acne, banana peel.
Begin by eating and enjoying the other amazing health benefits of the banana, and save the peel, make sure it is yellow/black for more efficiency, and rub the infected area with it.

banana peel acne remedy

1. The inside part of the banana peel decays into black color as you rub due to whatever soot gets on your face, rub your face for approximately 10 minutes, if the banana peel gets entirely black, replace it with another one.

2. After rubbing your face, do not wash it, it will lose the effect of what you just did. The compound of the peel will help you remove the infection from the skin, wash your face just before you are going to bed.
This is no magical potion, you need to be consistent, do this every day, you’ll see improvements after the first day, but it takes a little time to fully work, with this amazing natural remedy the infection is weakened and cannot grow anymore.

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7 alimente pentru o detoxifiere eficienta a ficatului

Modul principal in care corpul tau scoate toxinele afara este prin ficat. Ficatul detoxifiaza si curata corpul filtrand in mod continuu sangele  si inlaturand astfel otravurile care intra in corp prin tractul digestiv, sistemul respirator sau prin piele.

Dar in momentul in care ficatul devine suprasolicitat si obosit din cauza expunerii excesive la toxine, intreg sistemul corpului tau poate cadea in dezechilibru iar sanatatea iti poate fi serios compromisa.

“Miile de enzime care sunt responsabile pentru aproape toate activitatile corpului sunt construite in ficat”,  spune doctorul Karl Maret, despre importanta sanatatii vibrante a ficatului. „Functionarea buna a ochilor, inimii, creierului, incheieturilor si a rinichilor sunt toate dependente de o buna functionare a ficatului”
“Daca ficatul este in incapacitate de a construi chiar si numai una dintre miile de enzime de care corpul are nevoie , apare o disfunctionalitate in functiile corpului ceea ce rezulta intr-un mai mare stres metabolic.”

Asa ca iata sapte alimente importante pe care ar fi bine sa le incorporezi in dieta ta daca iti doresti sa ai un ficat sanatos.

Usturoiul, grapefruit-ul, ceaiul verde si verdeturile ajuta in detoxifiere


Usturoiul contine numerosi compusi care contin sulf ce activeaza enzimele responsabile pentru eliminarea toxinelor din corp. Aceasta ruda bulboasa a cepei contine de asemenea alicina si seleniu, doi nutrienti puternici care ajuta la protejarea ficatului si care ajuta in procesul dedetoxifiere.


Grapefruit-ul este bogat in vitamina C naturala  si antioxidanti , care ajuta in detoxifierea ficatului. La fel ca si usturoiul, grapefruit-ul contine compusi care incurajeaza productia de enzime responsabile pentru detoxifiere. Contine de asemenea un compus flavonoid numit narigenin care determina ficatul sa arda grasimea in loc sa o stocheze.


Ceaiul verde este plin de catechine, un fel de antioxidanti din plante despre care s-a demonstrat ca elimina acumularile de grasimi de pe ficat. Aceasta puternica bautura protejeaza de asemenea ficatul impotriva toxinelor care, altfel, s-ar putea acumula si ar putea creea probleme serioase de sanatate.


Verdeturile precum : spanacul, patrunjdelul, papadiile, kale, salatele etc, contin numerosi compusi care neutralizeaza metalele grele, care pot fi o povara mare pentru ficat. Acestea elimina de asemenea pesticidele si ierbicidele din corp.

Avocado, nuci si turmeric pentru o detoxifiere eficienta si regenerarea ficatului


Bogate in compusi producatori de glutationa, fructele de avocado, ajuta la sanatatea ficatului protejandu-l impotriva supra incarcarii de toxine si marindu-i capacitatea de detoxifiere. Unele cercetari au aratat ca daca mananci unul sau doi avocado pe saptamana pentru cel putin 30 de zile iti poti repara ficatul bolnav.


Nucile contin nivele mari de l-arginina, un aminoacid, glutationa si acizi grasi omega 3 si ajuta la detoxifierea ficatului de amoniac, care este un mare pericol pentru sanatate. Nucile ajuta de asemenea la oxigenarea sangelui, iar extractele din acestea sunt des folosite in formule de detoxifiere a ficatului.


Turmericul, unul dintre cele mai puternice alimente pentru mentinerea unui ficat sanatos, a fost demonstrat ca ajuta ficatul sa lupte impotriva toxinelor dar chiar si sa isi regenereze celulele. Turmericul incurajeaza de asemenea productia naturala de bila si imbunatateste functionarea acesteia, alt organ purificator al corpului.

O operatiune complexa de detoxifiere

Este foarte important sa intelegem ca o parte importanta a detoxifierii ficatului consta intr-o alimentatie si un stil de viata sanatoase.  Pentru ca ficatul sa apuce sa aibe sansa de a se detoxifia trebuie intrerupt asaltul toxinelor si a substantelor nenaturale care patrund in fluxul sanguin.  Astfel in momentul in care ii se da sansa corpul incepe sa se refaca, sa se repare, sa se regenereze. Sfatul meu este sa reduceti cat mai mult sau sa inlaturati definitiv din alimentatia voastra orice alimente de provenienta animala, uleiuri si grasimi procesate, hidrogenate, gatite, bauturile carbogazoase, produsele de patiserie, sarea iodata, zaharul alb si faina alba. Pe langa toate acestea , alcoolul, cafeaua si tutunul sunt toate alimente toxice nu numai pentru ficat dar pentru intreg organismul.

Ocupati-va timpul cu lucruri care va fac placere si va aduc bucurie in suflet. Concetrati-va pe ganduri frumoase, pozitive , fiti recunoscatori, fiti iubitori si zambiti !

Surse pentru acest articol includ: – detoxifiere


Take away your wrinkles – super gift for feast month

Introducing the ageLOC® Edition Nu Skin Galvanic Spa System™ II:
A programmable instrument with patented self-adjusting galvanic currents and interchangeable conductors for the face, scalp and body. A larger, brighter display, intuitive usability and enhanced ergonomics make this an easy and effective in-home spa treatment.

Thanks to the ageLOC® Face Conductor, this new instrument delivers up to five times more ageLOC® ingredients to the skin than the previous edition, when used with the Nu Skin Galvanic Spa System™ Facial Gels with ageLOC®.

  • Benefits
    • Self-adjusting currents
    • Interchangeable heads
    • Intuitive usability
    • An affordable alternative to spa treatments
    • Convenience – use at home
    • Enhanced delivery of key ingredients
    • Advanced technology
    • Can enhance the delivery of anti-ageing ingredients for up to 24 hours
  • Key features

    The ageLOC® Edition Nu Skin Galvanic Spa System™ II features a proprietary, patented instrument with four interchangeable conductors:

    • ageLOC® Face Conductor – a large, grooved surface area keeps product in constant contact with the skin and provides up to five times more ageLOC® ingredients to the skin.
    • Scalp Conductor – this comb-like conductor glides easily through the hair and maintains close contact with the scalp to deliver the benefits of the treatment product to the hair and hair follicles.
    • Body Conductor – three rounded nodes maximise surface area contact for wider coverage and better massaging action.
    • Focus Area Conductor – this flat, smooth, oval-shaped conductor is ideal for use in targeting small focus areas such as around the eyes and mouth, helping to deliver a more concentrated treatment.


    If you want to order this device or other things go to:
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    After that you can order your device/ products  you wants.
    Advantage: you receive a discount of 30% up to 40% on all products. Just register as a Nu Skin distributor.
    Demo for ageLOC Galvanic Spa face treatment


Natural medicine


Take a green step…


Medicine from Mother Nature

5 superalimente care previn cancerul

Inca un doctor confirma faptul ca lupta cu cancerul incepe din farfurie. Dupa ce neurologul american David Servan-Schreiber a publicat o carte in care a descris modul in care s-a vindecat de cancer band ceai verde si mancand peste gras, usturoi si rosii, doctorul canadian Richard Beliveau, de la Universitatea din Quebec, seful catedrei de prevenire si tratament al acestei boli si autorul lucrarii “Foods to Fight Cancer”, vorbeste despre existenta unor superalimente care pot preveni teribila maladie.
1. Brocolli
Toate legumele crucifere (conopida, varza) au proprietati anticancerigene, insa broccoli e cel mai eficent, deoarece contine o cantitate mare de sulforafan. Aceasta e o substanta care activeaza enzimele din sistemul imunitar, ataca celulele canceroase si, totodata, ajuta organismul sa elimine compusii chimici cu potential cancerigen.
Previne cancerul: de san, de ficat, de plamani, de prostata, de piele, de stomac, de vezica urinara.
Sfatul medicului: adauga broccoli in salate, in omleta de la micul dejun si chiar in toppingul de pizza, numai consuma-l cat mai des!
2. Mure
Toate fructele de padure contin fitonutrienti care combat cancerul, insa murele au cea mai mare concentratie de antocianine, deci sunt cele mai indicate pentru prevenirea si tratamentul acestei maladii. Antocianinele incetinesc dezvoltarea celulelor canceroase si aparitia unor noi vase de sange, cu ajutorul carora aceste celule s-ar putea hrani.
Previn cancerul: bucal, de colon, de esofag, de piele.
Sfatul medicului: consuma zilnic o jumatate de cana de fructe de padure. Ideal ar fi sa mananci mure, dar si celelalte – zmeura, fragi, afine – sunt eficiente.
3. Nuci
Nucile sunt benefice in lupta cu cancerul, deoarece contin fitosteroli. S-a demonstrat ca acesti compusi vegetali (similari cu colesterolul din produsele animale) blocheaza receptorii de estrogen din celulele canceroase localizate la nivelul sanului, incetinind inmultirea lor.
Previn cancerul: de san, de prostata.
Sfatul medicului: mananca zilnic 30 de grame de nuci.
4. Usturoi
Fitochimicalele din usturoi impiedica aparitia nitrozaminelor, agenti cancerigeni puternici, care se formeaza in stomac sau in tubul digestiv cand mancam alimente ce contin nitrati (aditivi alimentari folositi la conservarea mezelurilor si branzeturilor).
Previn cancerul: de san, de colon, de esofag, de stomac.
Sfatul medicului: pune usturoi zdrobit (prin zdrobire se elibereaza enzime benefice) in salate sau in sosuri, cand gatesti.
5. Rosii
Tomatele sunt cea mai buna sursa de licopen, un fitonutrient din familia carotenoidelor, care are rol antioxidant. Mai multe studii efectuate de cercetatori din intreaga lume au aratat ca licopenul reduce riscul de cancer, iar odata instalata aceasta afectiune, ajuta la stoparea inmultirii celulelor cancerigene.
Previn cancerul: de endometru (tesutul care captuseste uterul), de plamani, de prostata, de stomac.
Sfatul medicului: consuma rosiile gatite, nu proaspete, pentru ca prin incalzire creste cantitatea de licopen pe care organismul o poate absorbi.

Banana facts!

9 Fruits You Can Use to Replace Medications

1. Apricot. Apricots contain beta-carotene which stops radicals from damaging the inner structures of the organism and it is also very useful for our eyes. In our body, the beta-carotene form the A vitamin which prevent from developing a series of cancer diseases, especially the skin cancer. One fruit contain 17 calories 1 gram of carbohydrates and does not contain any fats.

Apricots are an excellent source of beta-carotene and are useful in reducing infections or skin problems. They are a good source of iron and potassium. Fresh juice of apricot leaves is useful in skin diseases. It can be applied with beneficial results in scabies, eczema, sun burn and itching of the skin due to cold exposure. Apricots have an alkaline reaction in the system. They aid the digestion, if consumed before a meal. The fruit is highly valued as a gentle laxative and is beneficial in the treatment of constipation. The fresh juice of apricots, when mixed with glucose or honey forms a very cooling and soothing drink during fevers. Its many benefits include quenching the thirst, and eliminating waste products from the body. In addition, it tones up the eyes, stomach, liver, heart and nerves by supplying minerals and vitamins.Advice: Try to buy apricots while there are still hard (green). When the apricots become soft, they begin to loose their nourishing properties.

2. Avocados. The oleic acid and the unsaturated fats containing in this fruit decrease the level of cholesterol and increase the quantity of high density lipoproteins. Beside that avocado contain a large quantity of cellulose, iron and vitamin C. One piece contains 81 calories, 8 grams of fats and 3 grams of carbohydrates. In order to fasten the ripping process put avocados in a closed plastic bag with an apple or a banana.

Advice: Try to replace the mayonnaise in your sandwiches with pieces of avocado.

3. Raspberries. Raspberries contain the ellagic acid which helps decrease the growth of cancer cells. These berries also contains the C vitamin, decrease the level of cholesterol and the probability of cardiovascular diseases. Rich in vitamin C, folate, iron and potassium, raspberries also provide high amounts of insoluble fiber (thanks to all those little seeds) as well as respectable amounts of the soluble fiber pectin, which helps control cholesterol levels.

Raspberries contain a large amount of cellulose. Since cooking does not destroy these compounds, raspberry jam may also be beneficial. Raspberry is one of the few fruits whose consumption would not have much effect on the body’s blood sugar levels. A glass of Raspberries contains 60 calories, 1 gram of fats and 8 grams of carbohydrates.

Advice: A natural face mask made raspberries helps protect against the suns rays. Vitamin C’s antioxidant powers help fade age spots and discoloration. It also rounds out the skin to fill in minor wrinkles.

4. Mango. A middle-sized mango fruit contains 57 milligrams of C vitamin which constitutes the daily norm for a human’ nourishment. This antioxidant helps to prevent the arthritis, is used in wounds recovery and enforces the immunity system. Pregnant women and people with anaemia are advised to eat this fruit regularly. It is also valuable to combat acidity and poor digestion. Mango also contains the A vitamin. One fruit of mango has 135 calories, 1 gram of fats and 4 grams of carbohydrates.

Advice: Some varieties do not turn red, orange or yellow. If buying these green varieties, look for other signs they are ripe such as a nice sweet fragrance. They should yield nicely to a light press with the fingertip. If they are brought unripe, they can be put in a paper bag in a warm place and they will ripen in a day or two.

5. Cantaloupe. Contain vitamin C (117 milligrams of C vitamin is contained in a half of cantaloupe – a double daily norm) and beta-carotene which stops the radicals from damaging the inner structures of the organism. It also contains 853 milligrams of potassium, which is twice more than in a banana. Potassium decreases the blood pressure. Cantaloupe has antioxidants that help us fight with heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, aging, etc. Cantaloupe is also a very good source of potassium, vitamin B6, dietary fiber and niacin (vitamin B3). A half of cantaloupe contains 97 calories 1 gram of fats, 2 grams of carbohydrates. Cantaloupe is beneficial for arthritis, obesity, fever, rheumatism, skin diseases, high blood pressure, abdominal and stomach gas and many other diseases.

Advice: When choosing cantaloupe, choose a fully ripened melon, because according to research as fruits fully ripen, almost to the point of spoilage their antioxidant levels actually increase.

6. Cranberries. Helps to combat the infections in the urinary bladder, stop the in growing number of bacteria. Cranberry juice can inhibit the aggregation of bacteria that cause dental plaque and based on evaluation of several vitro screening tests, it has been suggested that the proanthocyanidin compounds found in cranberry may exhibit some anti-carcinogenic activity. Some medical professionals and specialists believe that quinic acid abundant in cranberry may help to prevent the development of kidney stones. Recent scientific research shows that cranberries and cranberry products contain significant amounts of antioxidants and other phytonutrients that may help protect against heart disease, cancer and other diseases. In some people, regular cranberry juice consumption for months can kill the H. pylori bacteria, which can cause stomach cancer and ulcers. Drinking cranberry juice daily may increase levels of HDL, or good cholesterol and reduce levels of LDL, or bad cholesterol. A cup of cranberry juice contains 144 calories. There are no fats or carbohydrates.

Advice: Buy a 100% cranberry juice and add water without sugar.

7. Raisins: These little pearls- are the main resource of iron which helps to transmit the oxygen to tissues. The phytonutrients and olenolic acid present in raisins makes them beneficial for the health of teeth and gums. Having antioxidant properties, raisins help keep the blood clean and flowing, by getting rid of al the impurities. Raisins are believed to be good for bone density and have been associated with lower risk of osteoporosis in women. Studies claim that raisins contain additional nutritive compounds that can protect against heart disease and colon cancer. A half cup of Raisins contains 218 calories, 3 grams of carbohydrates. It does not contain fats.

Advice: Raisins are a good source of fiber and can help cure constipation. For the purpose, boil raisins in a saucepan of water, strain the liquid and drink it. Every morning try to add little raisins in your cereals.

8. Fig. The fig is a source of potassium and carbohydrates, it also contains the vitamin B6, which is responsible for the serotonyne – “hormone of pleasure”; it decreases the amount of cholesterol. One fig contains 37-48 calories, 2 grams of carbohydrates, 0 fats. Figs are high in natural and simple sugars, minerals and fiber. They contain good levels of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and manganese. Dried figs contain an impressive 250mg of calcium per 100g, compared to whole milk with only 118mg. Dried figs consist from about 60% of sugar, contain a lot of vitamins and it is said that humans could live on figs only.

Advice: Eat dries figs as a healthy energy snack. For extra flavor and nutrients, stuff them with nuts and a little honey.

9. Lemon. Lemon contains limonene and C vitamin which help to prevent cancer. It has a limited number of calories and does not contain carbohydrates or fats. You must know that citrus fruits in general may have a great benefit over our body; citruses are useful for your skin, bones and heart; it’s a well-known fact that citruses are great eyesight defenders and mood enhancers.



Health Benefits of Pomegranate

1. Antioxidants – These help to wrangle the hoards of free radicals in your system. Free radicals have an uneven number of electrons and like to balance themselves out by stealing from other molecules and cells in your body. These cells are oftentimes very important ones dealing with your DNA, and when they are destroyed, disease step

s in. Pomegranate juice is an excellent source of antioxidants that work to help you stay disease-free.2. Blood Thinner – Pomegranate juice helps your blood circulation, making it easier for blood to travel to your heart, brain, and the rest of your body.

3. Cancer Fighter – Pomegranate has been known to reduce and prohibit the growth of cancer cells and tumors in your body.

4. Digestion Aide – Pomegranate juice is a natural remedy for diarrhea, dysentery, and great number of other digestive problems.

5. Anemia Relief – With a high content of iron, pomegranate juice is a great home cure for anemia because it promotes higher levels of hemoglobin.

6. Anti-Inflammatory – Pomegranate juice has properties that help treat sufferers of arthritis. It can also help cure a cough or sore throat.

7. Neonatal Care – It has been proven that pomegranate juice ingested by pregnant women can help protect the neonatal brain.

8. Artery Protection – It helps keep plaque from building up in your arteries.

9. Cartilage Protection – It works to prevent the deterioration of cartilage in your body.

10. Cholesterol Reducer – Pomegranate juice is capable of lowering blood pressure by as much as 6% in daily drinkers.


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