Medicine from Mother Nature

g3 – Drink to Your Health – 3 fruit from Heaven

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Health specs on GAC fruit found in G3 juice! AMAZING!


•Possesses powerful antioxidant effects

•Powerful scavenger of free radicals
•Helps increase lifespan
•Promotes healthy aging
•Protects and repairs DNA
•Fights oxidation stress damage

Cardiovascular Health:

•Strengthens heart health

•Improves micro-circulation
•Promotes overall vascular health
•Prevents hardening of arteries
•Inhibits LDL peroxidation
•Improves iron absorption and prevents anemia
•Lowers serum LDL and total cholesterol levels
•Decreases peripheral vascular resistance and therefore prevents strokes

Skin Health:

•Promotes the skin against radiation damage
•Speeds up wound healing
•Topically treats atopic dermatitis
•Treats burns, cuts and healing
•Regulates moisture loss, promotes tissue regeneration
•Improves skin elasticity
•Natural sunscreen

Eye Health:

•Prevents night blindness
•Treats dry eyes (exophthalmia)
•Improves vision and poor eyesight
•Arrests cataracts and age-related macular degeneration

Digestive Health:

•Promotes digestive tract health
•Improves absorption and optimal bio-availability of nutrients
•Encourage better digestion
•Treats hyper acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers
•Promotes bowel regularity
•Stimulates appetite and relieves anorexia
•Heals piles

Immune and Cell Health:

•Strengthens immune system
•Alleviates allergy
•Induces apoptosis or natural elimination of mutant cells
•Increases natural killer (NK) cell activity


•Energy booster and anti-fatigue
•Increases endurance and strength
•Rejuvenating tonic
•Combats effects of low oxygen levels

Bone and Joint Health:

•Prevents rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
•Strengthens muscles and bones

Prostate Health:

•Eases enlarged prostate
•Prevents prostate cancer

Liver Health:

•Supports healthy liver functions

Gac Fruit also treats:

•Treats vitamin A deficiency
•Relieves cough and removes phlegm
•Reduces sleeping problems
•Relieves vertigo
•Resolving and cooling properties
•Helps lower body weight
•Critical for formation and maintained of healthy cell membranes
•Improves memory
•Tonic for kidney
•Periodontal health. Maintains healthy gums
•Calms pain and inflammation
•Eases headache and releases dizziness
•Aids in conversion of sunlight to vitamin D


Unusual uses for…


10 Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Did you know tomatoes are a fruit? It’s true, even though the U.S. Supreme Court declared the tomato a vegetable in 1893. And this red fruit also provides plenty of health benefits.

1. Anti-oxidant: Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamins A and C, mostly because of beta-carotene, and these vitamins act as an anti-oxidant, working to neutralize dangerous free radicals in the blood stream. These dangerous free radicals can cause cell damage. And keep in mind, the more red the tomato, the more beta-carotene it contains. Also, remember that cooking destroys much of vitamin C, so stick with raw tomatoes for these benefits.

2. Diabetes: Tomatoes also have plenty of the mineral chromium, which helps diabetics to keep their blood sugar level under control.

3. Smoking: No, tomatoes can’t help you stop smoking, but what they can do is to help reduce the damage smoking does to your body. Tomatoes contain chlorogenic acid and coumaric acid, which help to fight against some of the carcinogens brought about by cigarette smoke.

4. Vision: Because of all that vitamin A, tomatoes are also an excellent food to help improve your vision. This also means tomatoes can help your eyes be better about night blindness.

5. Heart troubles: Due to potassium and vitamin B, tomatoes help to lower blood pressure and to lower high cholesterol levels. This, in turn, could help prevent strokes, heart attack and other potentially life-threatening heart problems.

6. Skin care: Because of high amounts of lycopene, a substance found in many of the more expensive over-the-counter facial cleansers, tomatoes are great for skin care. The best way to use tomatoes for skin care is to peel a bunch of them, eight to twelve, then lay back and place the tomato skins on your face (or other skin areas). Make sure the inside of the tomato skins are against your skin, and let this sit for at least 10 minutes. Then wash off. You’re face will be cleaner and more shiny, though it also might be a little red from the tomatoes. Don’t worry, that red on your face will wear away.

7. Hair: Remember all that vitamin A in tomatoes? Well, it’s good for keeping your hair strong and shiny, and its also good for your eyes, teeth, skin and bones.

8. Cancer: Various studies have shown that because of all that lycopene in tomatoes, the red fruit helps to lessen the chances of prostate cancer in men, and also reduces the chance of stomach cancer and colorectal cancer. Lycopene is considered somewhat of a natural miracle anti-oxidant that may help to stop the growth of cancer cells.

And, interestingly enough, cooked tomatoes produce more lycopene than do raw tomatoes, so enjoy that tomato soup!

9. Bones: Tomatoes have a fair amount of vitamin K and calcium, both of which help to strengthen and possibly repair in minor ways bones and bone tissue.

10. Kidney stones and gallstones: Eating tomatoes without the seeds has been shown in some studies to lessen the risk of gallstones and kidney stones.


Periodic Table of VITAMINS


5 superalimente care previn cancerul

Inca un doctor confirma faptul ca lupta cu cancerul incepe din farfurie. Dupa ce neurologul american David Servan-Schreiber a publicat o carte in care a descris modul in care s-a vindecat de cancer band ceai verde si mancand peste gras, usturoi si rosii, doctorul canadian Richard Beliveau, de la Universitatea din Quebec, seful catedrei de prevenire si tratament al acestei boli si autorul lucrarii “Foods to Fight Cancer”, vorbeste despre existenta unor superalimente care pot preveni teribila maladie.
1. Brocolli
Toate legumele crucifere (conopida, varza) au proprietati anticancerigene, insa broccoli e cel mai eficent, deoarece contine o cantitate mare de sulforafan. Aceasta e o substanta care activeaza enzimele din sistemul imunitar, ataca celulele canceroase si, totodata, ajuta organismul sa elimine compusii chimici cu potential cancerigen.
Previne cancerul: de san, de ficat, de plamani, de prostata, de piele, de stomac, de vezica urinara.
Sfatul medicului: adauga broccoli in salate, in omleta de la micul dejun si chiar in toppingul de pizza, numai consuma-l cat mai des!
2. Mure
Toate fructele de padure contin fitonutrienti care combat cancerul, insa murele au cea mai mare concentratie de antocianine, deci sunt cele mai indicate pentru prevenirea si tratamentul acestei maladii. Antocianinele incetinesc dezvoltarea celulelor canceroase si aparitia unor noi vase de sange, cu ajutorul carora aceste celule s-ar putea hrani.
Previn cancerul: bucal, de colon, de esofag, de piele.
Sfatul medicului: consuma zilnic o jumatate de cana de fructe de padure. Ideal ar fi sa mananci mure, dar si celelalte – zmeura, fragi, afine – sunt eficiente.
3. Nuci
Nucile sunt benefice in lupta cu cancerul, deoarece contin fitosteroli. S-a demonstrat ca acesti compusi vegetali (similari cu colesterolul din produsele animale) blocheaza receptorii de estrogen din celulele canceroase localizate la nivelul sanului, incetinind inmultirea lor.
Previn cancerul: de san, de prostata.
Sfatul medicului: mananca zilnic 30 de grame de nuci.
4. Usturoi
Fitochimicalele din usturoi impiedica aparitia nitrozaminelor, agenti cancerigeni puternici, care se formeaza in stomac sau in tubul digestiv cand mancam alimente ce contin nitrati (aditivi alimentari folositi la conservarea mezelurilor si branzeturilor).
Previn cancerul: de san, de colon, de esofag, de stomac.
Sfatul medicului: pune usturoi zdrobit (prin zdrobire se elibereaza enzime benefice) in salate sau in sosuri, cand gatesti.
5. Rosii
Tomatele sunt cea mai buna sursa de licopen, un fitonutrient din familia carotenoidelor, care are rol antioxidant. Mai multe studii efectuate de cercetatori din intreaga lume au aratat ca licopenul reduce riscul de cancer, iar odata instalata aceasta afectiune, ajuta la stoparea inmultirii celulelor cancerigene.
Previn cancerul: de endometru (tesutul care captuseste uterul), de plamani, de prostata, de stomac.
Sfatul medicului: consuma rosiile gatite, nu proaspete, pentru ca prin incalzire creste cantitatea de licopen pe care organismul o poate absorbi.

5 super alimente care vindeca

Alimentele pe care le consumam fie ne ajuta sa ramanem in forma, fie ne fac rau. Exista o varietate de alimente bogate in substante nutritive care ne ajuta sa ne vindecam de diverse boli si sa prevenim aparitia altora. Fiecare aliment din lista de mai jos are multiple efecte de vindecare, ajutand fie prevenirea cancerului, reducerea colesterolului, prevenirea bolilor de inima sau a diabetelui. Alege urmatoarele alimente pentru a va simti mai bine in propria piele.


Acest fruct este extrem de bogat in elemente nutritive si contine o cantitate substantiala de vitamina C (de doua ori mai mult decat portocalele), are mai multe fibre decat merele si mai multe proteine decat bananele.

Combinatia de vitamine, minerale si fitonutrienti din acest fruct protejeaza impotriva bolilor cardiovasculare, cancer, boli respiratorii si atac de cord. Kiwi are de asemenea proprietati naturale de subtiere a sangelui si reduce nivelul de colesterol din sange, reducand de asemenea tensiunea arteriala. Studiile indica faptul ca acest fruct reduce stresul oxidativ si daunele aduse ADN-ului si repara celulele.

Fructul de kiwi este recomandat persoanelor care lupta cu cancerul sau bolile cardiovasculare si ajuta de asemenea la vindecarea ranilor. Se recomanda a se consuma cate 1-2 kiwi pe zi.


Ciresele au multe proprietati de vindecare. Pe langa faptul ca sunt sarace in calorii, acestea sunt de asemenea pline de substante nutritive, care lupta impotriva inflamatiilor si previn cancerul. Ciresele au de asemenea proprietati antivirale si antibacteriene.

Antocianina, un compus regasit in cirese, are rolul de a reduce nivelul de acid uric din sange si previne astfel aparitia gutei. Cercetatorii sunt de parere ca antocianina poate reduce de asemenea riscul dezvoltarii cancerului de colon.

Ciresele ajuta la calmarea durerilor si reducerea inflamatiilor. Consumul regulat de cirese poate reduce riscul de atac de cord si de atac cerebral. In medicina chineza, cieresele sunt folosite pentru tratarea gutei, a artritei si a reumatismului, precum si a anemiei (deoarece ciresele sunt bogate in fier). Incercati sa consumati cirese zilnic, insa alegeti-le pe cele organice, deoarece cele obisnuite gasite in supermarketuri contin pesticide. Ciresele congelate sunt la fel de bune deoarece elementele nutritive se pastreaza.


Fasolea este un aliment minune. Aceasta reduce colesterolul, regleaza nivelul zaharului din sange, ajuta digestia si protejeaza impotriva cancerului. Acest aliment este bogat in fibre, proteine si antioxidanti.

Fitochimicalele din fasole previn aparitia cancerului si impiedica inmultirea celulelor canceroase, incetinind dezvoltarea tumorilor. S-a demonstrat faptul ca femeile care consuma fasole de cel putin 3 ori pe saptamana sunt cu 24% mai putin predispuse sa dezvolte cancer de san, iar alte studii au demonstrat ca fasolea reduce riscul dezvoltarii de boli cardiovasculare, a diabetului zaharat de tip 2, a hipertensiunii si a cancerului de colon.

Fasolea contine foarte multi antioxidanti, care previn daunele oxidative. Acestea sunt o sursa excelenta de proteine, fibre si fier. Contin de asemenea acid triptofan care regleaza pofta de mancare, previne insomniile si imbunateste starea de spirit.

In medicina chineza, fasolea este folosita pentru tratarea urmatoarelor afectiuni: alcoolism, toxiinfectie alimentara, hipertensiune, diaree, laringita, pietre la rinichi, reumatism.

Incercati sa consumati fasole de cel putin doua ori pe saptamana.


Acest aliment este extrem de nutritiv, fiind totodata extrem de sarac in calorii. Este o sursa perfecta de calciu, vitamina C si fier. Contine de asemenea vitamina A si multa vitamina K, precum si fitochimicale si antioxidanti carotenoizi.

Macrisul ajuta la prevenirea cancerului, intareste sistemul imunitar si intareste oasele.

In medicina chineza, macrisul este folosit pentru reducerea tumorilor, imbunatatirea vederii pe timp de noapte si stimularea productiei de bila.

Se recomanda a fi consumat zilnic, preferabil in stare naturala. Poate inlocui salata sau poate fi introdus in supe, sucuri, smoothie-uri, sandwich-uri.


Spanacul imbunatateste vederea, functiile creierului si previne cancerul de colon, de prostata si de san. Lupta de asemenea impotriva bolilor cardiovasculare, a atacurilor cerebrale si a dementei, scade tensiunea arteriala, are proprietati antiinflamatorii si intareste oasele. Spanacul contine o cantitate semnificativa de vitamina K, calciu, vitamina A, vitamina C, folati, magneziu si fier.

Carotenoidele din spanac omoara celulele canceroase si previn multiplicarea acestora. Fiind bogat in vitamina K, spanacul intareste oasele si ajuta la fixarea calciului in oase. Este de asemenea bogat in luteina, care previne degenerarea maculara, atacurile de cord si reduce nivelul colesterolului.

Spanacul ar trebui sa se consume zilnic. Este usor de gasit si atat de benefic pentru organism, incat nu ar trebui sa lipseasca din dieta ta.


Mirodenii cu puteri vindecatoare

Mirodeniile le folosesti la bucatarie si le iubesti pentru gustul lor special, aromat, iute, dulceag sau amarui, care scoate orice fel de mancare din spatiul comunului si ii da ceva aparte.

Totusi, probabil niciodata nu te-ai gandit ca acestea te mai ajuta intr-un fel, caci unele dintre ele au proprietati curative incredibil de puternice, conform Prevention:

Turmericul amelioreaza durerile provocate de artrita

Turmericul contine curcumina, care are efect antiinflamator, reducand astfel durerea si umflaturile provocate de artrita. In afara de asta, previne cancerul de colon si boala Alzheimer.

Conform unui studiu din 2006 condus de specialistii de la Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, curcumina micsoreaza leziunile precanceroase precum polipii de colon, mai ales daca este luata cu o cantitate mica de quercitina, un antioxidant puternic gasit in ceapa, mere si varza. Numarul polipilor scade cu pana la 60%, iar aceia care raman se micsoreaza cu 50%. Studiile de la UCLA arata ca tot curcumina ajuta si la indepartarea placii cerebrale.

Poti adauga mirodenia de fiecare data cand gatesti, o doza de 400 mg de curcumina de 3 ori pe zi pe zi fiind ideala.

Scortisoara scade nivelul de zahar din sange

Intr-un studiu recent din Germania, desfasurat pe diabetici de tip 2, s-a demonstrat ca scortisoara reduce cantitatea de zahar din sange cu pana la 10%, dar si colesterolul, micsorandu-se, astfel, riscul de boli de inima. Colesterolul scade cu 13% si trigliceridele cu 23%.

Ia o capsula standardizata cu scortisoara in fiecare zi, dar ai grija sa nu exagerezi, caci ingredientul poate sa devina periculos.

Rozmarinul scade riscul de cancer

Carnea prajita, fripta, devine un potential pericol, fiind cancerigena, asa ca trebuie sa faci ceva pentru a contracara acest efect. Extractul de rozmarin te poate ajuta in acest sens, putand fi amestecat cu carne inainte ca aceasta sa fie gatita, dupa cum sugereaza cercetatorii de la Universitatea din Kansas.

Rozmarinul contine carnosol si acid rozmarinic, doi antioxidanti puternici care ajuta la distrucerea factorilor cancerosi.

Acestia au chiar puterea de a opri cresterea tumorilor, dupa cum s-a vazut in urma studiilor efectuate pe animale.

Ghimbirul te scapa de greata

Ghimbirul iti ajuta stomacul atunci cand are diverse probleme, fie cauzate de sarcina, rau de masina sau chiar chimioterapie. Cercetatorii de la Universitatea din Michigan spun ca este si un puternic antioxidant. El functioneaza prin blocarea efectului serotoninei, o chimicala produsa de creier si stomac atunci cand ai senzatia de greata, estompand si radicalii liberi.

Persoanele care se afla pe un vas de croziera mai multe zile ar trebui sa ia 500 mg de ghimbir odata la 4 ore.

In afara de acest efect bun, el mai scade si presiunea sanguina, durerile de artrita si riscul de cancer. Ajuta la reglarea fluxului sanguin si are proprietati antiinflamatorii. Studiile specialistilor de la Universitatea din Michigan arata faptul ca acesta are efecte benefice si in ceea ce priveste cancerul ovarian.

Busuiocul te scapa de stres

Mai multe studii arata faptul ca busuiocul are capacitatea de a creste adrenalina si noradrenalina si de a scadea stresul. In plus, te scapa de indigestii si dureri de cap. Inhiba celulele canceroase, in special cele dezvoltate la san, facandu-le sa nu se raspandeasca si sa metastazeze.

Pune la fiert doua cani de apa cu 10-15 frunze de busuioc si tine 5 minute, dupa care raceste. Indeparteaza frunzele inainte sa consumi ceaiul.

Usturoiul ajuta la o mai buna circulatie sa sangelui

Usturoiul scade riscul de cancer ovarian, colorectal, dar si alte tipuri. Un experiment din 2006 din Japonia a aratat ca dupa un an de suplimente de usturoi, oamenii cu istorie de polipi la colon au observat o reducere a cresterilor precancerase.

Usturoiul are si beneficii cardiovasculare si ajuta la o mai buna circulatie sa sangelui.


Top 10 Toxic Food Ingredients

Most of us don’t think of the food we eat as poison, but some of the ingredients commonly found in processed foods can be considered toxic. By “toxic,” I mean chemicals or highly processed ingredients that aren’t good for you or can cause harm to your health. I’m talking about refined grains, trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, and all the other artificial junk you can’t even pronounce on the ingredient lists. Any food that has been canned, dehydrated, or had chemicals added to it is a processed food, and these foods make up about 60 percent of the average American diet. They’ve taken over, and we have to FIGHT BACK. Know which toxic food ingredients to avoid:

1. Palm Oil
When a regular fat like corn, soybean, or palm oil is blasted with hydrogen and turned into a solid, it becomes a trans fat. These evil anti-nutrients help packaged foods stay “fresh,” meaning that the food can sit on the supermarket shelf for years without ever getting stale or rotting. Eating junk food with trans fats raises your “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and lowers your “good” HDL. These fats also increase your risk of blood clots and heart attack. Avoid palm oil and other trans fats like the plague, and kiss fried foods goodbye too, since they’re usually fried in one of these freakish trans-fatty oils.

2. Shortening
Ditch any food that lists shortening or partially hydrogenated oil as an ingredient, since these are also evil trans fats. In addition to clogging your arteries and causing obesity, they also increase your risk of metabolic syndrome. Choose healthier monounsaturated fats, such as olive, peanut and canola oils and foods that contain unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids instead.

3. White Flour, Rice, Pasta, and Bread
When a whole grain is refined, most of its nutrients are sucked out in an effort to extend its shelf life. Both the bran and germ are removed, and therefore all the fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Because these stripped down, refined grains are devoid of fiber and other nutrients, they’re also easy to digest — TOO EASY. They send your blood sugar and insulin skyrocketing, which can lead to all sorts of problems. Replace processed grains with whole grains, like brown or wild rice, whole-wheat breads and pastas, barley, and oatmeal.

4. High Fructose Corn Syrup
The evil king of all refined grains is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). The amount of refined sugar we consume has declined over the past 40 years, but we’re consuming almost 20 times as much HFCS. According to researchers at Tufts University, Americans consume more calories from HFCS than any other source. It’s in practically EVERYTHING. It increases triglycerides, boosts fat-storing hormones, and drives people to overeat and gain weight. Adopt my zero-tolerance policy, and steer clear of this sweet “poison.”

5. Artificial Sweeteners
Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal), saccharin (Sweet’N Low, SugarTwin), and sucralose (Splenda) may be even harder on our metabolic systems than plain old sugar. These supposedly diet-friendly sweeteners may actually be doing more harm than good! Studies suggest that artificial sweeteners trick the brain into forgetting that sweetness means extra calories, making people more likely to keep eating sweet treats without abandon. Nip it in the bud. Scan ingredient labels and ban all artificial sweeteners from entering your mouth.

6. Sodium Benzoate and Potassium Benzoate
These preservatives are sometimes added to soda to prevent mold from growing, but benzene is a known carcinogen that is also linked with serious thyroid damage. Dangerous levels of benzene can build up when plastic bottles of soda are exposed to heat or when the preservatives are combined with ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Don’t risk it, people

7. Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA)
BHA is another potentially cancer-causing preservative, but it has been deemed safe by the FDA. Its job is to help prevent spoilage and food poisoning, but it’s a major endocrine disruptor and can seriously mess with your hormones. BHA is in HUNDREDS of foods. It’s also found in food packaging and cosmetics. BHA has many aliases. You can look them up. Or you can follow my advice and DITCH processed foods altogether.

8. Sodium Nitrates and Sodium Nitrites
No that’s not a typo. These two different preservatives are found in processed meats like bacon, lunch meat, and hot dogs. They’re some of the worst offenders, and they’re believed to cause colon cancer and metabolic syndrome, which can lead to diabetes. Protect your health by always choosing fresh, organic meats.

9. Blue, Green, Red, and Yellow
The artificial colors blue 1 and 2, green 3, red 3, and yellow 6 have been linked to thyroid, adrenal, bladder, kidney, and brain cancers. Always seek out foods with the fewest artificial chemicals, especially when shopping for your kids. Look for color-free medications and natural food products that don’t contain artificial colors like these.

10. MSG
Monosodium glutamate is a processed “flavor enhancer.” While glutamates are present in some natural foods, such as meat and cheese, the ones exploited by the processed-foods industry are separated from their host proteins through hydrolysis. The jury is still out on how harmful MSG may be, but high levels of free glutamates have been shown to seriously screw with brain chemistry. Don’t fall prey to chemical flavor enhancing. Just play it safe and flavor your food naturally.


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